
And in the same news report: No evidence of programs designed to stop violence before it happens

If you are involved with domestic, family and sexual violence (DFSV) and you are looking for an effective response to the above quotations, this site may interest you. It contains free resources built up over several years by a retired psychotherapist and used in prisons, individual and group settings, with a particular focus on men who have lost their way.

What do they offer?

A way of stopping the violence before it happens. Behaviour change that is welcomed not coerced. Men recovering meaning, purpose, control and dignity - finding their way instead of being lost and confused.

How does it represent a 'way forward'?

It uses new insights into emotional health from a model that is 'radically re-evaluating' healthcare in the UK

What new insights?

Insights from foundation truths or 'givens' that apply to humans everywhere regardless of race, gender, culture or status. A set of ideas that better explain emotional health. (read more)

What has 'therapeutic storytelling' got to do with this?

We dream in stories. Stories are the vehicle to carry sense-making metaphors into the deepest part of our brain, the part where thought and behaviour begin. Metaphor is the language of the emotional brain, and to change thinking and behaviour we need to impact the part of the brain where it originates.

List of resources

The Human Givens

an overview of the new insights

Concept Diagram

see the ideas in a simple chart

Therapeutic Storytelling

keynote address, First Nations Mental Health Conference, Cairns 2022

ESSENCE of health

a useful model for community health and wellbeing

Samson and Delilah

final scene question: Will Samson beat that addiction? gives healthcare workers options to consider


an example proposal you are free to consider

Therapeutic Stories: Camp dog

Deals with release from prison issues

Therapeutic Stories: Pigeon story

Suitable for suicide prevention

Therapeutic Stories: Lesson from the swamp

Deals with domestic violence

Therapeutic Stories: Cormorant

Deals with the issue of balancing 'culture' with the idea of necessary change. A male-dominant culture, in addition to humbug and payback, presents many difficulties in modern society and frequently leads to punishment.

Therapeutic Stories: Fire in my belly, not smoke in my eyes

with author's notes to help readers develop their own therapeutic storytelling skills

YouTube playlist: Therapeutic Storytelling

Meaning and Purpose Part One
Meaning and Purpose Part Two
Meaning and Purpose Part Three
Meaning and Purpose Part Four
After the yarning - the Old Man comments
The Cormorant Story

A series of stories that each address the question; What would closing the gaps look like? They have been written as though they have already taken place, and are presented in my belief and experience that they are each entirely possible. Stories of hope, and ones we could all agree, would represent the closing of the dreadful gaps.

Merv Edmunds is a teacher, trainer and therapist. In 1997 he became the first Australian to hold a Human Givens Diploma. He has presented at many conferences in Australia (including CDU for NT psychologists), New Zealand and the UK. In his role as interim principal of an indigenous boarding college, he visited many remote communities in Arnhem Land. He describes his current role as a 'non-practising retiree', dividing his time between pro-bono therapy and consulting, speaking engagements, and coordination of an online certificate course in psychotherapy for professional associations.
He can be contacted at or on 0432 374 285 if you have any questions.